In this collection the input data to four data instances of blending problems used in an academic study are provided. The first three comes from literature and we would thus like to give the due credit to their origin. Credit: 1. SSP (Simplified sample problem) This instance comes from: KBC Consultants, 2008, KBC Advanced Technologies, KBC House, Surrey, UK, [Personal correspondence], Contactable at tel. +44 (0) 1932 242424 2. HPP (Haverly pooling problem) This instance comes from: Haverly CA, 1978, Studies of the behaviour of recursion for the pooling problem, ACM SIGMAP Bulletin 25, pp. 1928. 3. MMRP (Marco minirefinery problem) This instance comes from: and additional information may be found at: Kendrick, D, Meeraus, A, and Suh, J S, 1981, Oil Refinery Modeling with the GAMS language. Tech. rep., Center of Energy Studies, University of Texas. Aronofsky, J S, Dutton, J M, and Tayyabkhan, M T, 1978, Managerial Planning with Linear Programming. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 4. EMMRP (Extended Marco minirefinery problem) This instance is based on the MMRP and was introduced and generated by Lieschen Venter to resemble a real life size instance in: Venter L, 2010, Metaheuristics for petrochemical blending problems, MComm thesis, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch. Lieschen Venter & Stephan Visagie