Readme file for "Flexural properties of Pinus patula planted at different initial spacing" Generated on 2020-05-01 Recommended citation: Erasmus J., Drew D., & Wessels B. (2020): Flexural properties of Pinus patula planted at different initial spacing. SUNScholarData. (Dataset). DOI: 10.25413/sun.12241268 ********** CONTENTS ********** 1. General information 2. Data access information 3. Method of data collection 4. Summary of data files 5. Data-specific information for Tree_Data.csv 6. Data-specific information for Board_Data.csv 7. Data-specific information for Ring_Data.csv ********************* GENERAL INFORMATION ********************* 1. Title of dataset: Flexural properties of Pinus patula planted at different initial spacing 2. Author information Principal Investigator Name: Justin Erasmus Email: Co-Investigator Name: David Drew Institution: University of Stellenbosch Email: Co-Investigator Name: Brand Wessels Institution: University of Stellenbosch Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2014-01-01 to 2017-01-01 ************************* DATA ACCESS INFORMATION ************************* 1. Licences / restrictions placed on access to the dataset: Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) **************************** METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION **************************** 1. Detailed description of data collection and processing: Erasmus J., Drew D., & Wessels B. 2020. The flexural lumber properties of Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. improves with decreasing initial tree spacing. Annals of Forest Science (in review). 2. Short description of data collection: An 18- and 19-year-old Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. spacing experiment with four levels of initial tree spacing (1.83 m × 1.83 m, 2.35 m × 2.35 m, 3.02 m × 3.02 m and 4.98 m × 4.98 m) was sampled. Measurements were done on standing trees and on lumber and wood samples. Radial strips of wood were collected from both experimental sites (Highlands and Montrose) and lumber was sawn from logs harvested from the Highlands plantation. 3. Short description of data processing: The radial strips were analysed using SilviScan 3 technology, at the University of Melbourne, Australia, with the help of Dr Robert Evans. The lumber was evaluated for strength and stiffness properties using a 4-point bending test setup at the University of Stellenbosch. 5. Method of analysis: The data was analysed using linear and non-linear mixed-effects models as described in the aforementioned publication. R code to reproduce these results may be obtained from the principle investigator upon reasonable request. *********************** SUMMARY OF DATA FILES *********************** 1. List of data files Filename: Tree_Data.csv Short description: Data sampled from standing trees (single values for all trees for the Highlands and Montrose plantation). Filename: Board_Data.csv Short description: Data sampled on all sawn boards from the Highlands plantation only. Filename: Ring_Data.csv Short description: Data for the individual rings of trees from both plantations. 2. Relationships between files: The Highlands and Montrose data on wood properties in Ring_Data.csv were processed from the same trees that provided the information in Tree_Data.csv. The Board_Data.csv also provides information using the same trees from the Highlands plantation. *************************************************** DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR Tree_Data.csv *************************************************** 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of cases / rows: 320 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable name and description list Plantation: The name of the specific forest plantation Rep: The replication number within the plantation Spacing: The space (spacing treatment) between trees in m. Tree: The tree number nested within a plot. DBH: The tree diameter at breast height in cm. Height: The height of a tree in m. Slenderness: The ratio of tree height (minus 1.3 m) to DBH. *************************************************** DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR Board_Data.csv *************************************************** 1. Number of variables: 19 2. Number of cases / rows: 208 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable name and description list Rep: The number of the replication within the plantation. Spacing: The spacing between trees in m. Tree: The specific tree number nested within a plot. BoardID: The Unique ID for each tree. Pos: The position of the boards within the log. CA: The mean cambial age of rings within a specific board. MOE: The modulus of elasticity of lumber in MPa. MOR: The modulus of rupture of lumber in MPa. Bow: The bow distortion of lumber in mm/m. Twist: The twist distortion of lumber in degrees. Spring: The spring distortion of lumber in mm. MFA: The mean Microfibril angle of rings within a board, determined through SilviScan technology, in degrees. Density: The density of lumber in kg/m3. DeltaMFA: The difference between the maximum and minimum MFA within a board, in degrees. DeltaDensity: The difference between the maximum and minimum SSDensity within a board, in kg/m3. Knots: The number of knots present in the maximum stressed zone within a board. SSDensity: The density of rings, determined through SilviScan technology, in kg/m3. RW: The number of annual rings present in a board. KnotA: The area of the biggest knot on the face of lumber, within the maximum stressed zone, in cm2. *************************************************** DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR Ring_Data.csv *************************************************** 1. Number of variables: 9 2. Number of cases / rows: 1207 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable name and description list Plantation: The plantation name. Rep: The replication number within a plantation. Tree: The tree number nested within a plot. Spacing: The space between trees in m, nested within a replication. Ring: The ring number from the pith. Density: The mean density of an annual ring, in kg/m3. MFA: The mean microfibril angle of an annual ring, in degrees. RW: The width of annual rings in mm. LWP: The percentage of latewood within an annual ring.